...just some stuff to know about me

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Philadelphia, PA, United States
I like to think that I have a magnetic personality & that I have no shame whatsoever.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Clearly, you can tell I'm not a smoker.

"Smokers in the medical field now have another reason to quit as a Pennsylvania hospital has said it will no longer hire smokers and is introducing nicotine tests in order to enforce the rule. Geisinger Health System's smoke-free health policy will go into effect on Feb. 1, according to KKTV.com."

I'm pro-this ^^^. I feel that this "discrimination" as some would call it is akin to insurance companies doing screenings for pre-existing health conditions.

Intrinsically, insurance providers and hospitals are both businesses in a sense where they have to make money for the simple fact of employing people who are capable of providing adequate if not exemplary services to the citizens that require them; therefore, in order to assure the best service possible and the biggest profit for padding their wallets and upgrading services for the future, wouldn't a hospital want to make sure they have employees who are smaller health risks for a completely elective negative health concern. 

Someone can't help having hypertension if it's genetic; however, smoking, despite the validity of nicotine addiction, is elective and brought upon oneself and has more negative consequences that effect more people than just the person who partakes in the cigarette than the temporary benefits. The smoking in and of itself can be a personal choice; however, if it infringes on others, is that fair?

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