...just some stuff to know about me

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Philadelphia, PA, United States
I like to think that I have a magnetic personality & that I have no shame whatsoever.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My opinion on the removal of the Joe Pa statue at PSU

Notice that the majority of opinions regarding the statue are for its removal and also take note that those who disapprove of the removal of the statue who have a strong argument as to why it should remain aren't coming forward. Most of the responses that say no to taking the statue down just say simply, "No."

I understand that Joe Pa is a football hero/legend/etc; however, his position is akin to Spiderman. This may sound childish, but with great power comes great responsibility. And he had a responsibility to those children to do what was right if he knew. When the situation came to light, alas, if he wasn't guilty, he has to accept that because of his position, the higher you get, the farther you fall. And he, his family, and his fans need to accept that if he is innocent, that this situation has to be chalked up to "That's life." Innocent people go to jail every day for crimes they did not commit. All that's going on here is the removal of a statue. His legacy will always remain the same even if it is besmirched by this tragedy. You have to try to avoid all possible situations with negative light when you're a household name because the job of the media is to tear you apart.

Ultimately, why take the chance of leaving the statue up as a reminder of the dishonor that fell upon PSU. Every prospective college tour guide would have to avoid the topic when that one parent says, "So what's your opinion on Joe Pa?" if the statue had remained... forever rehashing the issue. This way, they can erect something in it's place and in about ten years, only the alumni will have an opinion about the situation. And the school CAN heal from this tragic and unfortunate event.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Había un gran rato de tiempo desde yo he creado un post en este blog, pero ahora? Estoy aquí.

Haber, estoy en España y yo he estado aquí por casi tres semanas. Piensas que ya está tiempo para regresar a los EEUU? Creo que si. No tenía muchas oportunidades de blogear, pero ahora, sí.

Este viaje fue y es vale la pena y el precio porque antes de esto, nunca he tenido otra oportunidad a viajar a ortos países hispánicas o extrajeras en general salvo Canadá. Quería la oportunidad de romper la monotonía de la vida diaria porque me he llegado muy aburrido con los hábitos y los procesos de lo que era mi vida.

Las clases de matemática fueron muy difíciles y solo asistía a una clase de español el año pasado. Me daba cuenta me interesa mucho la ciencia social de lingüísticas porque es un tema muy larga y puede ser comparado a las matemáticas porque este arte tiene un lógico que tiene muchas semejanzas con la estructura de las lingüísticas.

No se. Tengo un poco sueno y quiero decir y escribir mas, pero dos amigos y yo hemos viajado en autobús a Granada en este momento y yo sigo acostándome en este sillón, jajaja.

Pero cuando no estoy tan preocupado con el uso de la lengua y las reglas, tengo mucho éxito cuando yo quiero hablar o escribir, como lo que es arriba.

Hasta luego los que no leen mi blog, jajaja

Monday, January 9, 2012

Should there be a maximum driving age?

I think there should be mandatory yearly driving tests once you reach a certain age. When one is retired, if they're doing that much driving, then they should have no problem taking one day out of their non-working life to prove their skills that they use frequently and use well since they seem to be driving all the time.

If they don't drive that often, then they probably are either being driven places or don't have responsibilities that require them to travel; therefore, they can take one day out of their extremely lax non-working life schedule to prove that they can still keep up with the required standards of the road in order to keep their license for the off-chance they might need to drive.

State IDs should be issued to seniors who don't pass the test so that they can still have legal identification and a mandatory two-week test probation period should be issued in order to urge seniors who just miss passing the test to humble themselves and possibly study the material in order to pass like younger driver do. It will refresh their memories of driving laws that have since changed or been created and force them to know a wide variety of information in order to arm them for driving in the U.S.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Clearly, you can tell I'm not a smoker.

"Smokers in the medical field now have another reason to quit as a Pennsylvania hospital has said it will no longer hire smokers and is introducing nicotine tests in order to enforce the rule. Geisinger Health System's smoke-free health policy will go into effect on Feb. 1, according to KKTV.com."

I'm pro-this ^^^. I feel that this "discrimination" as some would call it is akin to insurance companies doing screenings for pre-existing health conditions.

Intrinsically, insurance providers and hospitals are both businesses in a sense where they have to make money for the simple fact of employing people who are capable of providing adequate if not exemplary services to the citizens that require them; therefore, in order to assure the best service possible and the biggest profit for padding their wallets and upgrading services for the future, wouldn't a hospital want to make sure they have employees who are smaller health risks for a completely elective negative health concern. 

Someone can't help having hypertension if it's genetic; however, smoking, despite the validity of nicotine addiction, is elective and brought upon oneself and has more negative consequences that effect more people than just the person who partakes in the cigarette than the temporary benefits. The smoking in and of itself can be a personal choice; however, if it infringes on others, is that fair?

The thoughts that go through my mind

I sometimes can't even believe myself.

I know that other people out there have these moments as well. You'll engage in a behavior or think a thought and then come to the realization shortly afterwards that you're an idiot.

I hate nothing more on this planet than the sense of wasted time. The fact that we spend roughly a third of our lives asleep makes me an insomniac in and of itself; however, when I realize that I've wasted time in my precious waking hours, it honestly makes me quite upset.

I make so many decisions every day that are going to somehow hinder me in the future; a horrible butterfly effect, if you will. I prime myself to believe that the people I choose to surround myself with are those who are best for me; non sequitur, I hate that feeling of wanting something something pretty badly and then realizing your efforts were for naught.

Sometimes you just can't know until it's too late, I guess.

That's life, though. Fucking growing pains.