...just some stuff to know about me

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Philadelphia, PA, United States
I like to think that I have a magnetic personality & that I have no shame whatsoever.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Definition needs to be grammatically correct

Vince - (v.) - 1. to be in an utter state of confusion after having a conversation with Vince McNeil. "If you are ever like 'wtf' after Vince has just walked away from you, you've been Vinced!" 

I have never been so sick to my stomach over this absolute stultiloquence



This is downright and absolutely disgusting. Honestly, those who made this decision are heartless. These issues are supposed to be evaluated on case-by-case bases and if this case didn't hit those people's common sense, better judgment, and human decency then those people are the ones who needs to be deported.

Whoever made this decision needs to win a Darwin Award, stat!
I don't want those people procreating children to propagate their sheer idiocy and lack of respect for another human and citizen of this country regardless of their opinions on their lifestyle.

He basically just watched a bus run someone over and didn't warn them because he disagrees with their lifestyle. I feel that that is an equivalent statement to analogize with this story.

I'm all for Obama, but come the hell on. When someone says they "believe" marriage is thisthatandtheother they are not evaluating marriage on the political level that LGBT are trying to obtain. If your faith does not permit gay marriage, then gay people won't get married in your church; however, marriage IS a legal institution as well; therefore, it should be segregated in the minds of religious citizens and politicians when they go to evaluate their opinions. How many times does it have to be said that rights as a citizen have NOTHING TO DO WITH FAITH AND/OR PERSONAL DISTASTE IN LIFESTYLE?

That lesbian couple down the street will not do anything to your household; furthermore, their existence and proximity will allow you to teach your children more thoroughly how to hate if that is how you so choose to indoctrinate your children into becoming closed-minded, disdainful citizens. Your choice; far be it from me to tell you how to raise your children. Take 'em out of the schools and teach them yourselves since you don't want equality and truth being taught in schools. Since you claim to know everything, ban together and create education systems that teach the minuscule subset of history and current events that you want your children to learn so that when they get into the real world, they won't be prepared to handle the vastness of diversity, amiability, and expression that comes at them and they can win Darwin Awards too.

Bottom line: If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry a gay person.

Great Blogs






Should children be spanked?

Yes; in order to justify my response, however, I feel that parents should attempt to communicate their frustration (as best they can considering the age of the child) to the child first before going straight to spanking.

Still, there are going to be children who insist on being difficult. Sometimes in certain situations, it is easier to quickly reprimand a child physically in order to teach them the needed lesson most effectively. Children must understand the give and take of the world we live in. (Touching a hot stove will burn you, smacking a dog in the face might get you bitten, crossing the street w/o looking both ways can be fatal.) Sometimes, if an immature or irresponsible child does not have the memory of that previous spanking or doesn't fear an upcoming one, they might commit acts that could be potentially dangerous. It's almost akin to religion and law, in a sense, I feel. If one doesn't believe. If one does not believe in the validity of some form of judge, jury, and punishment, then without an innate code of ethics or common sense, they will go do whatever they dang well please. Which can clearly be dangerous for many people. And we can all agree that children do not come with software included; we basically program them as they grow; therefore, it is important that as we instill our morals and ethics into them that they realize they need to behave in the microcosms of home and school of the world they live in before they grow up and start participating in the world on a grander scale.

In order for a child to grow up and mature into a respectful teenager and young adult, he or she will have to understand that there are consequences for negative behaviors. I feel, that in my experience, the teenagers who I had the most difficulty relating to or dealing with in high school were the ones whose parents did not discipline them properly as a child. There is a golden mean for corrective spanking; moreover, I feel that the line between parenting and abuse is not as thin as the media makes it. I, to this day, respect my mother and fear her spanking me and I'm 20 years old! It clearly depends on the child, but ultimately it depends on the parent and their mental state and levels of stress and parenting situation (single, widowed, married with issues, married, etc)

I always say when I find a teenager who missed out on some crucial life lessons from bad parenting that "it's not my job to teach them that lesson; however, someone in the real world will. They are going to anger the wrong person and then they'll learn." Now the consequences for their actions then, shoot, I bet they wish all they got was a spanking.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Strong Dislike vs. Hate

Strongly disliking someone implies you will still warn them they are about to be hit by a bus as they cross the street; hating someone means, "What bus?"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Michelle Bachmann, basically... ugh

As humans, we are genetically dispositioned to presume stereotypes over large group of similar people in order to defend ourselves. Higher thinking allows us to differentiate within groups; however, call me an idiot because some of these republicans just make statements and do actions that blanket over my ability to critically reason and just ruin my entire perception of the GOP.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I was inspired in class earlier to write this little essay

We have to keep up with the developing world around us.

Communication is too fast and the world is too small.

Without advancing technology, we cannot advance medical technology. Without advancing medical technology, we can't keep up with antigenic drift or shift of viruses and the mutation of bacteria and disease.

We have the unique opportunity as humans to prevent so much pandemonious chaos of mutational advances by establishing a world of quick telecommuicative existence and scientific study.

Technology can benefit and it can harm; however, without embracing it to its full extent, we as humans lose out on our chance to prosper to our full potential and achieve a form of life never before imaginable.

All things in moderation; however, it would be remiss of humanity to attempt to slow down its progress as opposed to acknowledging it and successfully and respectfully managing it with a liberal mind, a conservative eye, and a pure heart.


apologize and then follow it up with a contrasting conjunction or an exception conjunctive adverb.

"I'm sorry, but..."
"You were right; however, ..."

It will not end well.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Question for the ladies...

Ladies, would you rather have your boyfriend/husband be with a prostitute once a week on his dime and time while using protection OR have him have a platonic lunch with his female secretary every day? Which worries you less?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What I hear on the radio...

"Thanks for trying our death cookies; would you like to try our suicide cupcakes?"

Thank you NJ 101.5!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Good Deed of the Day

A few weeks back I was driving in Ewing, NJ and there was a snow bank on the curb. I was at a red light and this older woman was walking in the street near the snow bank because there was an abundant amount of ice on the sidewalk itself. As I watched her walk, I moved my car to the left so that she would have room to walk by the car safely without having to struggle.

She smiled at me and mouthed, "Thank you," and I never felt better. A wave of sheer happiness came over me and I just felt great. I feel that the little things in life really make a difference and can honestly make anyone's day. I hope that that little good deed made her feel great too.

"Little things repeated over a long time make a big difference." - Charles Manning.

New Pick-Up Line

"Oh what's that on your face right there?"
"Hmm... what? Where?!?"
"Right there..." ~rubs hand on their face~ "Oh, it's just beauty. Sorry, my bad. It's all over your face; I should've realized. It caught my eye the second I met you."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I've been meaning to start a blog for some time now...

Vince M has realized the inaffective of people asking him, "Do you mind?" because if he does indeed mind, no one cares and ignores his whims; moreover, if he doesn't mind, he is taken advantage of. There is no happy medium here. No golden mean.